Research project

Development of wood innovative hardening solutions


The objective of chemical wood densification is to improve the mechanical properties (hardness, dimensional stability, service life, etc.) of interior wood products in order to increase their use. The densification formulations, currently available on the market, are based on slowly polymerizing chemicals and some of these reagents are problematic in terms of their toxicity. Consequently, their use is limited or requires special equipments.

As part of this project, a new system for densifying North American wood species by chemical impregnation will be developed. The formulation developed should easily impregnate the wood before polymerizing in situ. A sustainable development perspective will also be included in this project, in order to ensure the development of products with low environmental impact, by incorporating bio-based compounds in the formulation and / or having very low volatile organic compounds emissions. In addition to the preparation of formulations and the impregnation of wood products, the student will carry out chemical, mechanical and optical characterization tests (real-time infrared spectroscopy to follow the kinetics of polymerization, micro-indentation, colorimetry, hardness Brinell, coating adhesion, accelerated weathering, etc.), necessary for the validation of an efficient and promising densification system. The student involved in this project will be integrated into the NSERC - Canlak Industrial Research Chair in interior wood product finishing. The project will be carried out in close collaboration with the partners of the chair.

Research Field

- Chemistry
- Chemical engineering
- Wood engineering
- Materials engineering and science

Research Supervisor

Véronic Landry

Research Environment

NSERC/Canlak Industrial Research Chair in interior wood-product finishes

Web Site

Financial Aid Available by Program of Study

Master's Degree in Wood and Biosourced Materials

Program description

Financial Aid Available*

Financial Aid Related to Research Project

$17000 per year for 2 years.

Program-Specific Financial Aid

Graduate Studies Awards

Milestone Amount
Initial thesis submission OR fast-tracking to a doctorate by the end of the 5th semester
Total $1,000

Université Laval: Student Financial Aid

Sources de financement Montant
Leadership and Comittment Scholarship (Canadians & permanent residents) $10,000
Citizens of the World Scholarship (International students) $20,000
Mobility Grant for Out-of-Province Internships or Research Visits (in French)
$1,000 to $2,000
Graduate Scholarships from Granting Agencies
$17,500 to $40,000
Online Directory of Graduate Scholarships (in French)
$500 to $50,000

* Amounts shown represent maximum financial aid available. Certain conditions apply. Subject to change without prior notice. For further information, contact sponsoring organizations directly.

Desired Profile

- Wood Engineering

Requirements and Conditions

- Good writing skills, in French or English
- Good teamwork skills and an interest in carrying out a research project in partnership with the industry.
- Good autonomy and resourcefulness
- Interest in learning new characterization methods

Required Documentation

- Curriculum vitæ
- Student transcript
Send your CV and your transcript to and

Find Out More

Véronic Landry
Professeur agrégée
Chaire de recherche industrielle CRSNG – Canlak en finition des produits du bois d'intérieur