Research project

Seeking M.Sc. and Ph.D. Graduate Students Interested in Neurometabolism and Epilepsy


The laboratory of Dr. Paul Dutchak is seeking highly motivated M.Sc. or Ph.D. candidates to join the Integrative Neuroscience Group at CERVO Brain Research Center at Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada. An undergraduate degree in the field of biochemistry, molecular biology or neuroscience will be considered an asset. Selected students will be able to enroll in one of the following graduate programs at Université Laval: Neuroscience, Biochemistry, or Cellular and Molecular Biology.

The major goals of the laboratory are to determine how metabolic networks influence neuronal activity and contribute to neurological disease. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to conduct their thesis research on one of the following ongoing research projects:

1. Mechanistic studies regulating amino acid homeostasis in brain.
2. Metabolic network dysfunctions contributing to epilepsy.
3. Pharmacological and nutritional therapeutic strategies to treat familial forms of epilepsy.

Research Field

- Metabolism
- Cell signaling
- Neuroscience
- Biochemistry
- Pharmacology
- Epilepsy
- Tuberous sclerosis complex

Research Supervisor

Paul Dutchak

Research Environment

CERVO Brain Research Centre

The CERVO Research Center is devoted exclusively to the study of neurosciences and mental health. Its mission is to advance knowledge about the causes and treatment of neurological and psychiatric illnesses by developing new technologies and methodologies to unravel the mysteries of the brain and by continuously linking basic and clinical research.

Web Site

Financial Aid Available by Program of Study

Doctorate in Cellular and Molecular Biology

Program description

Financial Aid Available*

Financial Aid Related to Research Project

$21000 per year for 5 years.

Program-Specific Financial Aid

Graduate Studies Awards

Milestone Amount
Program progress award (S-1 to S-8)
8 x $525
Program progress award (S-9 to S-11) 3 x $200
Successful completion of Ph.D exam
Submission of dissertation deposit before the end of the 12th semester
Language training
Total $7,850

Université Laval: Student Financial Aid

Funding source Amount
Leadership and Comittment Scholarship (Canadians & permanent residents)
Citizens of the World Scholarship (International students) $30,000
Mobility Grant for Out-of-Province Internships or Research Visits (in French)
$1,500 to $3,000
Graduate Scholarships from Granting Agencies   
$25,000 to $40,000$
Online Directory of Graduate Scholarships (in French)
$500 to $50,000

Supplemental Tuition Fee Exemption Scholarship Program: Entitles international students to pay Canadian student tuition fees, for overall savings of around $40,000.

* Amounts shown represent maximum financial aid available. Certain conditions apply. Subject to change without prior notice. For further information, contact sponsoring organizations directly.

Doctorate in Molecular Medicine

Program description

Financial Aid Available*

Financial Aid Related to Research Project

$21000 per year for 5 years.

Program-Specific Financial Aid

Graduate Studies Awards

Milestone Amount
Program progress award (S-1 to S-8)
8 x $525
Program progress award (S-9 to S-11) 3 x $200
Successful completion of Ph.D exam
Submission of dissertation deposit before the end of the 12th semester
Language training
Total $7,850

Université Laval: Student Financial Aid

Funding source Amount
Leadership and Comittment Scholarship (Canadians & permanent residents)
Citizens of the World Scholarship (International students) $30,000
Mobility Grant for Out-of-Province Internships or Research Visits (in French)
$1,500 to $3,000
Graduate Scholarships from Granting Agencies   
$25,000 to $40,000$
Online Directory of Graduate Scholarships (in French)
$500 to $50,000

Supplemental Tuition Fee Exemption Scholarship Program: Entitles international students to pay Canadian student tuition fees, for overall savings of around $40,000.

* Amounts shown represent maximum financial aid available. Certain conditions apply. Subject to change without prior notice. For further information, contact sponsoring organizations directly.

Doctorate in Neurosciences

Program description

Financial Aid Available*

Financial Aid Related to Research Project

$21000 per year for 5 years.

Program-Specific Financial Aid

Graduate Studies Awards

Milestone Amount
Program progress award (S-1 to S-8)
8 x $525
Program progress award (S-9 to S-11) 3 x $200
Successful completion of Ph.D exam
Submission of dissertation deposit before the end of the 12th semester
Language training
Total $7,850

Université Laval: Student Financial Aid

Funding source Amount
Leadership and Comittment Scholarship (Canadians & permanent residents)
Citizens of the World Scholarship (International students) $30,000
Mobility Grant for Out-of-Province Internships or Research Visits (in French)
$1,500 to $3,000
Graduate Scholarships from Granting Agencies   
$25,000 to $40,000$
Online Directory of Graduate Scholarships (in French)
$500 to $50,000

Supplemental Tuition Fee Exemption Scholarship Program: Entitles international students to pay Canadian student tuition fees, for overall savings of around $40,000.

* Amounts shown represent maximum financial aid available. Certain conditions apply. Subject to change without prior notice. For further information, contact sponsoring organizations directly.

Master's Degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology with thesis

Program description

Financial Aid Available*

Financial Aid Related to Research Project

$18000 per year for 2 years.

Program-Specific Financial Aid

Graduate Studies Awards

Milestone Amount
First submission of thesis by the end of the 5th semester of full-time registration
Language training
Total $2,250

Université Laval: Student Financial Aid

Sources de financement Montant
Leadership and Comittment Scholarship (Canadians & permanent residents) $10,000
Citizens of the World Scholarship (International students) $20,000
Mobility Grant for Out-of-Province Internships or Research Visits (in French)
$1,500 to $3,000
Graduate Scholarships from Granting Agencies
$20,000 to $27,000
Online Directory of Graduate Scholarships (in French)
$500 to $50,000

* Amounts shown represent maximum financial aid available. Certain conditions apply. Subject to change without prior notice. For further information, contact sponsoring organizations directly.

Master's Degree in Molecular Medicine with thesis

Program description

Financial Aid Available*

Financial Aid Related to Research Project

$18000 per year for 2 years.

Program-Specific Financial Aid

Graduate Studies Awards

Milestone Amount
First submission of thesis by the end of the 5th semester of full-time registration
Language training
Total $2,250

Université Laval: Student Financial Aid

Sources de financement Montant
Leadership and Comittment Scholarship (Canadians & permanent residents) $10,000
Citizens of the World Scholarship (International students) $20,000
Mobility Grant for Out-of-Province Internships or Research Visits (in French)
$1,500 to $3,000
Graduate Scholarships from Granting Agencies
$20,000 to $27,000
Online Directory of Graduate Scholarships (in French)
$500 to $50,000

* Amounts shown represent maximum financial aid available. Certain conditions apply. Subject to change without prior notice. For further information, contact sponsoring organizations directly.

Master's Degree in Neurosciences with thesis

Program description

Financial Aid Available*

Financial Aid Related to Research Project

$18000 per year for 2 years.

Program-Specific Financial Aid

Graduate Studies Awards

Milestone Amount
First submission of thesis by the end of the 5th semester of full-time registration
Language training
Total $2,250

Université Laval: Student Financial Aid

Sources de financement Montant
Leadership and Comittment Scholarship (Canadians & permanent residents) $10,000
Citizens of the World Scholarship (International students) $20,000
Mobility Grant for Out-of-Province Internships or Research Visits (in French)
$1,500 to $3,000
Graduate Scholarships from Granting Agencies
$20,000 to $27,000
Online Directory of Graduate Scholarships (in French)
$500 to $50,000

* Amounts shown represent maximum financial aid available. Certain conditions apply. Subject to change without prior notice. For further information, contact sponsoring organizations directly.

Desired Profile

- Biomedical Science
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Endocrinology and Metabolism

Requirements and Conditions

- A B.Sc. in one of the following areas of science, including biochemistry, neuroscience, molecular biology and meet the criteria for graduate studies at ULaval.
- The ideal candidate will possess strong organizational skills, strong self-motivation, and a passion for research and problem solving.

Required Documentation

- Lettre de recommandation
- Cover letter
- Curriculum vitæ
- Student transcript
Applicants should submit a cover letter outlining their research interests and career goals, along with their curriculum vitae, transcripts, and two reference contacts directly to Dr. Paul Dutchak at

Application Deadline

May 2, 2025

Find Out More

Paul Dutchak
Professeur adjoint
Département de psychiatrie et de neurosciences