Research project

Research projects and expertise

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Offer NumberType of programResearch project or expertiseResearch supervisorResearch environmentDeadline
476041 Master’s Ph.D. Molecular structure and dynamics on surfaces, nanophysics of chemical interfaces Christopher Leon Département de chimie
475971 Master’s Leydig cell regeneration from resident stem cells in a novel transgenic mouse model and impact of endocrine disruptors Jacques J. Tremblay Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec -­ Université Laval 2025-04-01
231718 Master’s Measurement of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy across the adult lifespan Lynn Rollande Gauthier Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec, Axe Oncologie
250868 Master’s Ph.D. Epigenomic regulation of microglia fonctions during brain development David Gosselin Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec - CHUL
327235 Master’s Ph.D. Neurobiology of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Lobar Dementia Chantelle Sephton CERVO Brain research centre
475902 Ph.D. Development of flexible conductive polymer materials for energy storage Ze Zhang Saint-François d'Assise Hospital, Research center of CHU de Québec-Université Laval
442396 Master’s Ph.D. Wound healing of irradiated skin Julie Fradette Centre de recherche en organogénèse expérimentale de l’Université Laval / LOEX
347768 Master’s Development of wood innovative hardening solutions Véronic Landry NSERC/Canlak Industrial Research Chair in interior wood-product finishes
392562 Master’s Ph.D. The neuroplasticity of the subthalamic nucleus and its afferent projections arising from the brainstem: Involvement in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease Martin Parent CERVO Brain Research Centre
357687 Master’s Ph.D. Roles of matricryptins (bioactive extracellular matrix fragments) in adipose tissue Julie Fradette Centre de recherche en organogénèse expérimentale de l’Université Laval / LOEX
475183 Master’s Ph.D. Life Cycle Analysis of Dairy By-products Upcycling Scenarios Julien Chamberland STELA dairy research center 2025-02-28
474975 Ph.D. Quantum dots in photodetection Gabriella Tessitore Chemistry Department 2025-02-28
451048 Master’s Ph.D. The role of forest bioenergy in decarbonizing Quebec industries and mitigating climate change Evelyne Thiffault Renewable Materials Research Centre - Department of wood and forest sciences
432421 Master’s Ph.D. Nanomedicines: what is the fate of nanoparticles in the body? Nicolas Bertrand CHU de Quebec - Université Laval Research Center
331975 Master’s Ph.D. Migration, Security and Resilience: Comparative analysis Graduate School of International Studies
457680 Ph.D. Funded PhD on crop-associated phyllosphere microbiome Jean-Baptiste Leducq Centre de recherche et d'innovation sur les végétaux
441685 Master’s Health determinants in a population receiving free dental care Aimée Dawson Faculty of dentistry, research center the GREB
474343 Master’s Ph.D. Understanding and identifying variables influencing energy consumption in the machining industry Louis Gosselin Department of mechanical and industrial engineering 2025-02-23
474366 Master’s Ph.D. Development of a virtual plant model to simulate energy consumption in the manufacturing industry Louis Gosselin Département de génie mécanique et de génie industriel 2025-02-23
474367 Master’s Ph.D. Heat recovery in the machining sector thanks to a heat network - Part 2 Louis Gosselin Department of mechanical and industrial engineering 2025-02-23
326267 Master’s Ph.D. Assistive technologies in rehabilitation Véronique Flamand Center for interdisciplinary research in rehabilitation and social integration (Cirris)
244091 Ph.D. Key players in insulin resistance and diabetes André Marette Quebec Heart and Lung Research Institute, Laval Hospital
473373 Ph.D. Statistical learning methods for functional data Marzia Angela Cremona Department of Operations and Decision Systems, CHU de Québec Research Center, Institute Intelligence and Data
365153 Master’s Ph.D. Application of Machine Learning Algorithms in Surface Mining Operations Ali Moradi Afrapoli Department of Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
441306 Master’s Ph.D. Carrots and sticks: assessing intervention effectiveness for sustainable mobility systems to reduce GHG emissions Bobin Wang Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT); Institute Intelligence and Data (IID); Interdisciplinary Research Center in Operationalization of Sustainable Development (CIRODD); Research Consortium FORAC
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